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Now, if there's two things we like at Lady Luck HQ (other than crafting up a storm bringing you the most super-ace jewellery this side of Venus) it's creating our own individual style with thriftstore finds and bopping along to some vintage sounds on our stereo. And when this sun-drenched gem by the Monkees came out of our speakers the other day I couldn't help but smile as I recognized the track as being used on my new fave television show 'Mary Queen of Charity Shops'. So as I had some business to take care of last weekend in Orpington where the show is set, I decided to put my investigative journalist frock on and set off to see how Mary's charity shop was doing.
For those of you who haven't seen it, Mary Portas is a super-stylish straight-talking, stiletto wearing retail guru who goes into flagging shops and shows them exactly what they're doing wrong and sets them on the right path. Her new series 'Mary Queen of Charity Shops' focuses on revamping a branch of Save the Children, turning it into a new vision of charity shop that sells quality pre-loved goodies for a reasonable price so they can make more money for their good causes, despite mild grumbling from the volunteers!
Rising at the crack of dawn on Sunday I set off on the train to Orpington, Kent. It was a beautiful sunny day, and with every 'clickety clack' of the rails on the tracks I was getting more and more excited to see what lay in wait for me at this celebrity charity store. I was full of expectation that I'd be able to lay my hands on some cut-price vintage Chanel or at least a new pair of colourful vintage shoes. However, once I arrived on Orpington High Street I found a chill going through me despite the sun, as a desperate thought struck me: It was Sunday. Surely Mary would have sorted it so that us busy London gals could visit the shop on a Sunday, right? Not when I needed my amazing thriftstore finds to keep me in cute outfits for fun parties?
As I strolled along the High Street I noticed that Mary and her team have a lot of competition - I counted about 10 charity shops on the way! My heart was pounding with every step, would today be my lucky day, or would I have to peer forlornly into darkened windows, merely glimpsing the treasures that lie within?
Well of course it was closed! And I can't really blame them either - it was a beautiful Sunday after all. But I did as much snooping as was possible from the outside, and here's what I can report:
The shop looked good on the inside - clearly Mary's splash of cash has made a huge difference. I wasn't too taken with the large plastic sign but it did look very new and clean, and the window displays were much better, with vintage dresses and hats on one side and interesting bric-a-brac on the other.
I was particularly taken with a very kitsch 80s Charles and Diana Wedding commemorative plate, and a gold patterned teapot. I'm also fairly sure I could make out some chunky 80s gold jewellery winking at me from the back of the store. You can have my money another time Mary!
However, Mary's crusade for the public to give better quality donations doesn't seem to have resonated with one local though - out in the doorway was a seriously retro television and some crusty ol' slippers. Better luck next time guys!
Seriously though, we all love a rummage in a charity shop bargain bin, but that's what carboot sales are for. So open your closet, find the gems that you don't wear any more and donate decent clothes so the charity shops can make a fair price on it - after all they're raising money for a good cause, and you'll have more space for that essential summery tea dress!
I'll be sitting at my laptop with a cup of tea watching the last episode of Mary, Queen of Charity Shops on iPlayer tonight, check it out!
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you really do have good taste in television :)