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« Super Sale Grab Bag! | Read our latest Articles! | Join us at the Love-A-Fayre » |
It's been a bit strange coming into the studio since Saturday's "Everything Must Go" sale because the shop part is all empty and feels a bit sad. On a brighter note we begin the renovation in a few days time and I'm so excited about having a bigger studio space, woohoo!!! The sale was, as you might have guessed, pretty crazy. Luckily Emma and Tunmike helped me prep the day before so all Sam, Penni and I had to do on the morning before we flung the doors open was decorate the cupcakes. I had the most difficulty parting with a small selection of my fawn and owl collection. I took a parting photograph so I don't forget their little faces. I'm sure they've all gone to loving new homes!
There were lots of fun things to be snapped up at super low prices. The best of the bargains included a large selection of my Babycham collection including big beermats, trinket trays and ornaments; lots of novelty shaped jewellery holders; a record player shaped jewellery box; lots of props we've used in photoshoots including a 1970s rainbow accordian and piles of cheap charms which had teeny tiny imperfections.
We organised most of the sale items into big price fixed rummage boxes to make it easy for customers to budget their spend. Although as everyone poured into the shop it was quite a frenzy of grabbing what you could! The ice cream goodie bags (pictured above) were a big hit and the whole pile was gone in a matter of minutes.
The sale was advertised to start at 11am but an array of little faces began to appear outside the window at 10am. I held them off until about half past but it was sooo cold outside I couldn't take the guilt. As soon as I opened the doors the shelves were emptied, it was crazy!
Superette really is a small space so it wasn't long before you couldn't squeeze in another soul. Breathe in gals!
We handed out all the baskets we had and watched in amazement before people started to trickle through to the back to pay and claim their yummy cupcake! It was nice to have a quick chat with everyone as they paid to tell them about our new plans for the studio and reminisce about times gone by with our regulars and ex interns.
I'm so sorry for the people who came after midday - the shop was completely stripped bare! Hopefully the cupcakes softened the blow, I heard many a friend/Mum/sibling apologising to their Lady Luck fan friend for not arriving sooner. Honestly we had no idea it was going to be over so quickly! Pictured above is Chloe one of our interns who managed to grab a shop display Russian Doll and pictured below is one happy lady emerging from the crowd.
Sadly it was also our lovely Penni's last day as with no shop it means no weekend manager role. I'll miss Penni very much and just wanted to say a big thank you for all her super work over the past few years. We're heading into new times here at Lady Luck Rules OK it's a bit scary but very exciting. I can't wait to show you all what we have planned for this year so stay tuned!
More photos on Flickr! Click here!
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Wow!!! My girlfriend Joanna made the trip into London for the day on my behalf all the way from Australia. When she arrived just after 11 there was nothing left! I was so amazed that she made the trip for me all the way as a surprise, so guess what? Even thought I didn't get anything from the shop, I already have the best prize of all: the worlds MOST AWESOME BFF!!!! I love you forevs Jo!!!!

Awwww!! makes me sad reading that and seeing the pics :(
Please please keep holding fun events though because WE LOVE LADYLUCK! and she ie all her goodies inspire us to be creativee!! plus ur the only brand that actually engages their customers!!!!
I cant wait for the new stuff =] take care !

It's so sad to see it go, I never got to visit :(
I love your retro cool deer collection, I hope they all found loving homes!
Long live (the rest of) LLROK!!!!!

It's been an amazing couple of years for Superette - i remember when the store first opened and everyone was so excited about your lipstick lightening bolt wallpaper!
sniff, oh well, i'm excited for the future and hope everything goes really well for you.
I snapped up a couple of the owls that are now living in their new home on my shelves next to my plants Woody and Leif. Yes, it's sad that I name my plants but I also gave my pets the same name - Suzi Q/Siouxsie Sioux! Things are nicer if they have names!
Hope to see you soon! xxx

Gutted that I never got down to see Superette! Does this mean there will not be an open shop? x

Indeed indeed! it is sad and strange times, last week Sunday was very odd indeed...but no longer will i have to brave the terrors of that odd street market. Thanks for the goodbye mention in the blog though, its sad for me too I actually had a part time job i enjoyed and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to help along the few years i was there. I'm gonna miss packing those orders oddly enough and making stacks of jewellery each time trying to improve my making time!! Anyhoo, I'll def keep in contact and check back regularly to see what your all up too...
All the best

Sniff! Thanks Leona for a great day + lots of great jewellery! Love the pic of Issie (mustard alice band )and me (purple beret) squeezing in! We're gonna miss the shop so much, Brick Lane won't be the same without you!

Oh, and in reply to Anne, (Jan 14th) I bagged 2 little bambis, including the one with the white fringe, and the tiny owls at the front for my massive collection, and they are very happy on my mantlepiece in my room with all my china poodles!

Oh no! No more Superette? I was so hoping to stop in and have a chat with you Leona this summer when I make my way to London. What are the plans of the new studio? I will always always have fond memories of my time interning for y'all, one of my favorite times when I was living in London!! To the jealousy of all my friends :DDDD
Keep us posted on the new studio plans so I can stop in and say hello!! xxx

Aww, thanks everyone! I'm so pleased some of my little animal ornaments have new homes with Sapphire and Annie.
Claire - we won't have a bricks and mortar store anymore but the online shop is OPEN 24 hours-a-day, yippee!
Is that Katy Aeroplane Blonde??? One of our first EVER interns? So you're coming back to London, yay, you're welcome to drop in for a cup of tea anytime m'dear!
Penni - I'm officially having Sundays off from now on and I certainly won't miss the sad Sclater Street Sunday market. Such a shame.

So sad to see the shop go =( I was really hoping to come visit you guys later in the year when I make my over to the UK.