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It's our birthday today! Lady Luck is 5 years old! To celebrate we've got the mother of all prize draws - I've snuck into Lady Luck's history vault and chosen seven of my all time fave designs which are no longer available to buy...and you can win them all!
Firstly we have a single Zappa earring made from a vintage band badge from our "I'm with the Band" collection written about Sleazenation and The Face in 2003/4; next is a candy pink boombox brooch from our Riff Randell collection back in 2005 which was featured in Teen Vogue; then a Gumball Goodies necklace featured in oodles of zines including British and German Elle Girl; then a pair of Lipstick Lightning Bolt earrings and a matching red heart logo pin badge both from 2006; the most recent piece is from our new bubblegum range the jumbo neon ice cream necklace called Sprinkles and finally the piece de resistence the sole remaining Super Duper Charm Bracelet from 2006 made from over 60 different charms including most of our enamel designs - Robot Lover, Docey Doe, Tiger Beat, Starburst, Lolita and much much more.
All you have to do to enter is place an order between now and midnight Wednesday 20th February and we'll enter you into the draw to win all seven. In the meantime whilst you ponder your purchase here's some highlights from the past five years...it's been a blast and here's to the next five!

It's now 2008 and we're still as crazy about fashion jewellery as ever except it's not just me on my Portobello stall anymore - we have a super shop and studio in Brick Lane, my boyfriend Sam is our full time Graphic Designer and we have two wonderful assistants Becky and Laura and an army of interns. We've come along way baby and we're just getting started...
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Golly....Happy Birthday Lady Luck, congratulations on five years of creating some of the greatest jewellery ever to be seen by mankind. When I was five, I don't think I could use a fork, let alone a glue gun.
Wish I could get my greasy mitts on that scrum-diddily-umptious prize, but alas, no money, no funny.
Again. happy birthday.

happy birthday! luckily its MY birthday in 4 days, so i'll have some money to spend to enter the prize draw =D

happY b-day ladyLuckruleS!!! leah x

Yay happy birthday!
I've got 9 days till my birthday
hopefully i can buy some stuff again!
p.s my uncle has a stall on portobello market

if i'd waited to buy charlie brown's pressie then i could have been entered! but then she probably would have got a late bday pressie :D oh well i guess i'll have to buy myself something now what a shame... :D!!

I remember all your ace jewellery! wish you'd bring it back.
happy birthday x

Happy birthday Ladyluckrulesok
I love everything on this website. Love all the graphics LOTS.

Hey hey hey!
this has got to be my all time favourite website, and seeing as it is my birthday aswell today, then we can have a joint HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i have bought countless super dupery things from this fandabidoza of a website, my favourite has to be the arty crafty gal ring that is perking up my finger as we speak :). today i recieved many gifts from my family, one of them being the cutie pie dress in pink =]...i also got lots of dosh in which i can spend spend spend on this supperiffic website!
happy birthday...hope we can spend many more birthdays together =]
love from olivia
x x x x x x x x x x

I may go and nag my parents for something new, even though i ordered off here last week. I'll be entered then, not that I'd win, I have no luck ='[. Your jewellery is amazing, can't wait to see what you come up with in the future! xxx

Happy Birthday LLROK!!! I must say you're my favouritest shop ever!!!! I'm totally addicted! Hopefully I'll be able to enter the prize - I especially love that massive charm bracelet and my friend has the necklace which I'm deeply in love with- i'll probably go for those gorgeous new Alabama sunnies :) Congratulations on turning 5! I look forward to many more years of kitschness ;D Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hey LLRO x
Your style and shop AND website totally rock - and they've rocked for five years now!
Happy B-day!

Happy Birthday!
It's my birthday too :D
Have a great valentine's day you lovely lady!

Happy Birthday!! IM new to this site, but I am in love with it already!!!!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Happy Valentines day too!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i made a purchase the other day
but now my mum wont let me buy anything else from here for a while
cos she's just bought me lolita sunnies.
proper gutted.

its my birthday 2 2day woop woop , so i have loads of money yaaayy
hope u grow old with me, n we can celebrate r birthdays 2gether
u rule xxxxxxxxxxx

happy birthday lady luck! wowza, the gumball goodies necklace and super duper charm bracelet are bringing back memories! hope you're celebrating with a massive cake! xxx

I look forward to a 5th year of amazing designs.
I didn't need a Valentine cause I've got LLROK!

congratulations on everything great that happened, it's just wonderful to read about small labels becoming more and more famous and successful, it's a good and motivating thing. (:
go on making all those great goodies!

Love you lady luck birthday princess,
Love your bubble gum designs xxx

happy birthday!!!!!!
im from australia and i love your online store!
its so unique and individual!
keep on making awsome goodies!!

Happy B-Day Ladyluckrulesok! The cutiest website EVER~ meow~

u guys are sooooooooo awesome i live in new zealand nd i get urguys emails nd they rok sox!! i wish i had enuf $$ 2 buy evrything lol coz its all so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FANTASTIC! Now let me buy up big!
El xx

happy birthday ladyluck! i wish i could have alllllllll your jewellry but since i live in australia i cant! boo hoo! happy birthday! i love you!

Wow! 5 years old! I remember seeing Ursula in a magazine and that was what first introduced me to you! I tried desperately to find you on a very short visit to Camden one day but couldn't... THEN I FOUND THE WEBSITE!! Thank god I did. This months purchase is going to be Lolita sunglasses and I can't wait to recieve them! Happy Birthday Lady!

Oh my....j'adoooored your "I'm with the band" collection. I missed out on a lot of items due to being slightly less well off at the time!
I'm wanting the Picnic Party ring to accompany my True Romance ring that I already have!
"You're so cool.."

Happy Birthday LLROK!!
I remember lusting over the I'm with the band collection but alas I was a poor poor student and couldn't afford a single piece!! :(
Please bring it back so I can wear it with my blue Alabamas (I'm too excited for them to arrive!!)

You should bring back the Super Duper Charm Bracelet!! WOW! THAT WOULD BE GREAT!

happy birthday llrok!!!!
u rox my sox...........

its great to have seen you come this far!

Happy birthday, Lady Luck- we were born on the same day!

Happy Birthday to yoooo
Happy Birthday to yoooo
Happy Birthday to Lady Luck Rules Ok (a bit long that bit but oh well)
Happy Birthday to yooooo


Hippy Bathday to you...... (no thats not a spelling mistake! I always say that) How many peoples birthdays is it???????? It's my friend Abbe's as well ........
Happy Birthday Everyone!
Thanks for the chance to win... I've just got to decide what to order.
Long live LLROK!

hiiii. (: i've heard about your stuff for a long time in loads of magazines and was always disappointed because i live nowhere near your store. although, when i came across your website i was real chuffed. (: i love the super duper charm bracelet aswell. now i'm just gonna have to convince my mum into letting me buy something, haha! happy birthday! hope you had a fun day. (: x

Well, another year older and thank god you don't look it! Thank you 4 the majorly legendary unbirthday presents for us, very good of you :D

i love love love the stuff that you can buy here. i want it all but sadly i don't have enough money to buy the whole store because other wise i totally would

Happy birthday LLROK! Whatcha gonna do to celebrate? I predict some roller disco fun with lots of yummy cocktails and cupcakes! Gee, I just can't imagine the last few years of my life without you all in it. There's been so many rad contests, super sales and travel blogs galore! Not to mention the FAB JEWELZ! But you forgot to give a shout out to my fave LLROK pieces! The Valley Girl Hair Bobbles were a dream come true, and I wear mine now with the Flying V earrings. The Ooh La La Guitar necklaces stop traffic, and my striped wrist sweats with vintage buttons remind me of summer days and banana splits. On lazy days I throw on a Thrifty Tee or something from the Teenage Fan Club line, and pin on my gold Bambi Sparkle Rocker jauntily. Most days you can spot me with my NYC Cherry Pie dangler, but you know what my all time favorite is? My all singing, all dancing Lookin' For A Kiss Pop Drop dangler!!!
Fun times! And forget 5 more years, here's to 50 more years of craaazy pop rockin' accessories! xoxox

Hay omg ur 5 yrs old!!! yay 4 u guys, i luv ur stuff it a real inspiration tho coz of 'rents not allowed 2 order stuff online! :( i still browse tho!!!!

Just bought a card for my friend's birthday & I REALLY want the Donald Duck dress but it's sold out! =[
Anyway, I'm feeling lucky so I hope I'm in with a chance of the goodies!! =]

Happy birthday!!!! I absolutely luuuurve everything on this website and i'm hoping to visit your shop soon. I have just ordered miss hoot hoot and would love to (but probably won't) win the fabby prize!! I adore the charm bracelet, and all the other prize goodies too! Thanks for inspiring me, and keep making fantastically cute stuff for everyone to buy!!!

happy birthday to you
everything so beaucoup
so original and jazzy
and wearable tooooooooo
i love your history, it makes me smile
i wanna visit the shop someday!
i wish it was here in edinburgh :)

happy birthday LLROK :)

haaaaaaaapy birthday llrok!!!!!! love ur site!!!! wishing my happy thoughts on ur 5 amazing years of work xxx

Happy birthday!
I'm so excited, I have ordered some bits but I never win anything, you should defintily bring back the super duper charm bracelets, that was the first thing I ever saw on LLROK, and I wanted it soooooo badly, but I didn't have a credit card, and now I do! Woo!

Omg I ordered something yesterday so I get entered WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Omg I am so exited for my bag && sunniees to come. I cant wait till summer. Oh just picture out with friends lying on the warm sand on the beach, going on bike rides, eating ice-cream && icepops EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK I am sooooooooo excited WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. XDXDXDXDXDXDXD Happy Birthday You are like my idols I love you so much. Hope ya have a brill birthday. Special Birthday Wishes && huggs && kisses Love you always Bethany Lerrrk

Happy Birthday LLROK!!
I ordered something on Wednesday and when I came home from school today it was there!! I'm wearing my carousel necklace right now! I can't wait to wear it to my mate's house! Thanks LLROK you're the best ! :)