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Thanks to everyone who entered our super Valentines Pez competition, I really enjoyed reading all the entries and it was very hard to choose the winners! I definitely want a PEZ in the shape of a Lady Luck Rules OK logo and a Robert Smith one would be pretty cool too. The entry which made me chuckle out loud belongs to Sophie who wants to immortalise her boyfriend Dave's head - Pez-Dave. Nice one. If your name is above and the date and time match your entry then you're a winner and we'll be contacting you today to find out your delivery details. Click here to check out all the entries! Yay!
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omg omg I won :-D this has just made my day.

I NO!!!!!
i'm off skool 2day and i got 2 cards yesterday!!

Yayay! *Proud*

Woohoo! I was feeling a bit sad today but now I'm really happy!! Yay and well done to all the fellow winners too! :]

Yeay! I won! Thanks Lady Luck :)

Wow, can't believe I've won a Pez.
I will look forward to sharing my sweets with Pez-Dave
Thanks very much Lady Luck
- Sophie

aaahh i won!
thankyou LLROK :D

ooh yay! i won something! i never win things ^^ will have to share my pez with larry so he doesn't turn evil on me and stab me with his tail. thanks guys! xxx

You uber rock.
This has made my day =D
I am so happy happy!!

aww its te first time i've ever won something in my life! thank you! xxxxx

Wow!! Thank you so much!!
Can't wait to get my PEZ!
:) xxxx

now me and rosie can share my pez. :P

I won :)
what a great thing to come back from holiday too!

i just got it, its great!!!
the only bad thing is
that the sweets r 2 easily gotten at
i have nearly finished the first pack....

Wow wow wow wow!!!
weeeeee dawgy am i happy =]]] woop woop...thank you for liking and and and choosing my ultra fandabidosa of an entry =] haha youve made my day haha and it was my birthday on the 15th aswell =] once again...i am thanking you very muchly so .... i love LLROK!!!!
love from olivia x x x

YAY I WON! thank you!

received it today, so fast!
thank you lots and lots and lots i love it and i kept the stickers on the envelope.
maya rose x