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Valentines day is oh so soon and here at Lady Luck Rules OK we’re all going gooey for heart shaped cuteness! To celebrate we're giving away two dozen hot ‘n’ heart topped Pez candy dispensers. Pez? Yes, Pez! Our fave childhood candy craze! Our hearts skipped several beats when they rocked up all the way from the US…surely there’s no cooler candy to pull out of your heart shaped bag and offer your bestest buddies. Each collectible Pez dispenser is printed with sayings like ‘Be mine’ and ‘Best friends’ and comes with not one but two rolls of fruit sweeties…
Pez first introduced character dispensers in the 50’s and since then everyone from Elvis to Mickey Mouse has been immortalised in Pez’s plastic fantastic. All you gals need to do to stand a chance of swiping one is to let us know what your *fantasy* Pez character or shape would be! Get your thinking caps on and post a comment below…
The competition starts...now! You all have until midnight on February 14th to post your entries. We'll then pick our fave and most descriptive ideas, and announce our 24 lucky winners soon after. Woo hoo!
Did you know?
*The name PEZ originates from the German word for peppermint... Pfefferminze. Ooh!
*Over 3 billion PEZ Candies are consumed annually in the U.S.A. alone. Wowser!
***PLEASE NOTE: This competition has now closed! Thank you to EVERYONE who entered!
Click here to see who won
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i'm assuming it can be any character whatsoever... so here's a little story about larry.
larry was born into a family of angel mice in the independent republic of yeb (the iroy). he had a lovely childhood, and made lots of friends. he was also a very clever mouse and, with his creative mind, had dreamt up many potions and tested them out with his chemistry set. he went on to become an amazing scientist, finding cures for all sorts of things.
one day larry was walking home from his lab when suddenly he was struck down - by an evil force! the blast knocked him out instantly. later on, when he regained consciousness, he found he had grown wings and a halo... but also some horns and a sharp point on his tail. ever since, larry has been torn between good and evil. sometimes he fights villains, attacking them with his sharp tail, saving the lives of many. other times he hides away in his secret lab, making poisonous potions to destroy mankind (and doing the evil laugh).
why is larry so confused? what exactly was the evil force? and how can mice make potions?!
we may never know...

Ooohhh fun fun fun! I would LOVE to have a spangly, glittery unicorn PEZ dispenser, or, failing that, a gorgeous VINCE in his MIRRORBALL suit one. PEZ ROCKS!

I would put a mini rubber duck on the top of my pez dispenser a rainbow coloured one just because A) they are extremely awesome B) who doesn't love rubber ducks C) i know what it is in German (Gummiente) and 4) they appear to have no real point what so ever (accpet that they are rulers of the universe) and V) rainbows are cool
(p.s. I'm not crazy honest)

My ideal pez dispenser would be...Count Duckula. For two reasons:
1/ He's a lil retro reminder of a bizarre childhood, and probably the least American pez character ever
2/ I've recently become a vegetarian, battling for the plights of poultry everywhere!
Either that or Dangermouse. I used to think he was my brother!
Rock on everybody!

Well it would have to be, the LLROK lipstick lightning bolt, its soooo snazzy and that would make the perfect Pez dispenser. I have an Astrix Pez dispenser! Snazztastical stuff. I Love LLROK!

I Would Love to See Little Chris On The Top of a pez Dispenser.
Just So i Could Rip off his silly little head!

Zool!!! Zool was clearly the best, most addictive game for the PC in the early 90s. I remember having one of those really, really old computers which didn't have monitors, so you had to plug it in to your TV screen, and you'd buy your games on floppy disks! There was a built in program on to the actual computer so you could practice your typing skills, and they'd grade you!
On the Zool game, you'd slide down the chubba chubba lolly pops and they'd float about, and I believe you could attack people with candy canes and climb up walls!. I loved it!! I was majorly upset when I had to upgrade my computer so my dad had something more substantial for work related things. I lost asteroids, every thing! how happy am I to have found Atari games for the nintendo DS :). Next mission, BRING BACK ZOOL!! :) So yes, Zool please. He is super cute. x

oooooh! It would have... a care bear.. a cute little care bear head. it would be funshine bear. a bear full of fun and happiness and giving me sweeties from his little mouth, mmm. such a nice bear. yay. x

I think mine would have to be a beautiful bambi- like fawn shape like my gorgeous Bam-Bam necklace - that would be super kawaii!! :D

Mine would HAVE to be a super kawaii happy cloud! With baby blue glitter round the outside! Every time you look at him and eat his yummy pez he would make you happy and smiley!!! XD xxxx

Ohhh let's take it back with a lil bit of retro!
Do I hear someone say awsum 80's retro?
Well 80's retro gaming it has to be!
And mine would be Pac man!!
O yeah.
His lil yellow bloppy head on my pez dispenser would look like he was re-gurgitating those pesky ghosts he has been consuming over the years for the consumption of moi.
What more could I want it would be like joining in the game and finishing them off for once and all.
But of course there could maybe be Ms Pacman for the ladies if they so desired =)
Muchos Luvos.
Lara =D

My ideal Pez dispenser (I collect them, and have over 250) would be the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. Wonderland has a great mythology of characters consuming amazing sweet foodstuffs in order to change ones life, whether is a biscuit with EAT ME written on it, a mushroom that makes one shrink or grow, the Queen of Hearts jam tarts or tea with the Mad Hatter! A Pez dispenser shaped like the White Rabbit would allow us to become part of Wonderland, each Pez leading us on a new fantastic journey! Super sweet and super cute, the "sleeve" would be red with white hearts, or visa versa, topped with the adorable White Rabbits face, maybe even his pocket watch as well!
Oh my paws and whiskers!

ok let me paint a picture in side ur head....
i wanna llrok dispenser
with a big lightening bolt down the side
an a big heart on the other side
and on the top the piece de resistance (check me out... french ;-) )
a pink ursula and a fuschia bam bam!!! playin 2 gether in harmony
for world peace an sweets an cute jewellery.........
i have no idea what i'm talking bout now
but anyway
u shoud get my design made up!!! its sounds fabby even if i say so myself
luv and big fat kisses

My ideal pez would be a mario pez! with mushrooms, stars, mario, luigi, yoshi, "?" blocks, coins, the possibilities are endless!
other favs would be pokémon, pacman ghosties and kawaii fruit :3

Somebody mentioned Count Duckula? I saw an article in Wonderland magazine about these Pez dispensers that had been crafted on and now they're all crazy...anyway my favourite fantasy Pez dispenser would have to be the immortal icon of Audrey Hepburn, reminding me all the time to be sophisticated whenever I pull out my Pez!

i would have a little devil duck !!!
cos ducks seem to be the theme
but i have a little pirate devil duckie pencil topper hes even got a wee eye patch and wee devil horns
there could even be a valentines devil duck with hearts!!!
pez is the best!

if i could have any pez dispenser shape i wanted, i would have a fishfinger shaped one! twould be v funny! i'd open my handbag 'the llro one i got of course' and take out the fish finger.... i would be questioned about the fishfinger in my bag and i would say; Alas! this is not just any fish finger, this is an m&s finger freshly caught from the indian ocean by the finest fishers! haha! no what i would really say is ; alas! its not just a fish finger, its a pez dispenser!!!!!!!!! i would then offer the finger around being such the sharing person am! lots of love holly xxxxxx
p.s i love........ lady luck rules ok and pez of course!

My ideal PEZ would be themed 'fairytale', It would be baby pink and shimmery so that it shines in the light so everyone can admire it! On top it would have to have a pony because they are awsome, like a 'My Little Pony' pony! It would have a pale purple maine and tail but the body would be cream. The eyes would be metalic, but not scary metalic, just so it looks cute. The pony would be walking on vibrant green grass with flowers.
The PEZ writing wouldn't be so harsh, the letters would be curved at the edges but still raised so that you can feel the writing still. The letters would be a slight shade of pink darker than the rest.
I would have cute little saying on each sweet (a bit like love hearts) , like 'One Day My Prince Will Come' and 'I'm A Princess And You're Not'!!
This sounds kinda childish, but i would be proud to have one in my bag!

a mushroom :]
A red one with pink hearts on the top, topped off with a big smiley face and pink sparkly ckeeks. it would definately spread joy, especially when a small sweet pops out, what a loverly suprise! ;]

OH it would TOTALLY have to be parsley the lion. From the herbs, y'know?
Classic vintage telly, totally beyond my years :D.
Anyway. I am loving the fish finger idea above..

My dream pez dispenser would be completely girly and a mix of the 60's and the 80's because those are my two favourite decades..
On top it would have Holly Golightly's head (not the singer but the girl from Breakfast at Tiffany's), doe-eyed Audrey Hepurn with a fabulous 60's updo and tiara.. Because Holly Golightly is such a fun-loving, cheeky, strong-minded girl..
the dispenser itself would be light pink with little crystals as polka dots.. Polka dots are my favourite pattern... and crystals as a reference to Tiffany's - and what girl doesn't like to sparkle..
Now you might ask, why 80's? Because there is a button beneath Holly's head, and when you push it Cyndi Lauper's "girls just want to have fun" is played.. I tihnk it's the best 80's pop song ever and matches my girly pez dispenser perfectly...

Jean-Luc Picard!
"Who?" ask all the normal LLROK friends. Why only the Captain of the starship USS Enterprise! Yes, that's right - a Trekker has infiltrated your cute community and is dreaming of Sci-Fi sweeties!
Indeed, the head and shoulders of Captain Picard, in full Starfleet uniform, with a LLROK lipstick lightning bolt emblazoned on the back of his bald head and the slightest hint of glittering emerald green eyeliner.
He could even battle the Spaceman Pez Dispenser shown at the top of the page!
(And win, of course)

aahhhh i loved pez when i was younger but the holder was the best bit :D
My dream pez holder would be of the mighty boosh and it would be glittery like vince noir with jazz notes for howard moon! it would also have the mighty boosh symbol on it which when u pressed, would sing out mighty boosh songs!!!! i want a might boosh holder because the mighty boosh is very cool like pez and fits into how crazy pez holders are nowadays! if it did have any of the characters on the front it would have to be vince in his oh so amazing mirror ball suit or in his goth detective costume!
if i could not have a mighty boosh holder then i would have a power rangers holder as it was one of my main memories of my childhood! it could be any of the power ranger shades with the mini helmets on!! i would personally want a pink one as kimberly was always my fave character!

ooo how fun, mine would have to have an afternoon tea theme. You could get one with a pink cupcake with sprinkles and a cherry on top or one with a pretty little tea cup and saucer. Both would of course have to have big smiles. Cause what could be more fun than when you are having your friends round for some tea than passing round a perfectly coordinated pez dispenser?!

Erm, why has no-one thought of a Johnny-Depp from Pirates Of The Carribean Pez dispenser?! Then you could take a bit off Mr Depp everywhere with you... *sigh* I would love that.
I may think of something else in a while, but I think that's a pretty good one for now.

Well.... Myyy Pez dispenser would be a funkalicious T shaped one. This sounds very odd, (Which it is) but me and my mate have had this cartoon strip thingie, and she created the 'T' people. They are shaped like a T in block writing, and they have smiley faces Ect. I would like one that has a happy face on one side, and a face with its tonge sticking out. This is because I hate being sad ;'( So, everytime I pull out my gorgeous Pez it will lift my frown upside down! But of course, the happy one HAS to be yellow, with a glittery orange outline, and the tounge one HAS to be pink with a bright red tonge and red glittery outline. Gawgus!! Don't make me beg, you have my all exited now! LLROK Forever, Oh and love your new Rainbow heart, I cant wait to get my hands on it! And the Fabby dresses are just what I need for my BF's Party! I love ya all, Lots of kisses x x x x Nattie.....xx♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

My ideal PEZ dispenser would be the mighty boosh symbol because i LOVE it!
Ooor a Robot lover one or gameboy XD!!
But i also lurve vintage stuff!

Mr. T!!
"I pity the fool who doesn't eat my PEZ"

bearing in mind that these are sweets and marketed to children...
i'd say the child catcher from chitty chitty bang bang
with wobbly/springy hands so it's grabbing at you in a threatening manner
and a reversible/removable cloak to look colourful and terrifying
basically i love the idea of sweets scaring the bejeezus out of kids
(i'm not evil, really)

omg... they should make a wizard of oz one!!!!! there would be a dorothy on the top and she would be wearing her ruby slippers and toto would be in her basket!!!! the PEZ writing would be in sparkley red like the ruby slippers.. that would be so amazing!!!

its got to be adam ant. i'd carry him round in my pocket all day!

the ultimate indie pez....
brit pop cool and rock n roll edge... go-go boot feet, black drainpipes, cute logo top with chain necklace details - all LLROK inspired of course...
hysterically glamorous make-up...i'm thinking heavy eyeliner and glitter, and a mop of tumbling messy curls, complete with changable hats - trilby for formal events and full on glitter cowboy al la vince noir for casual days out...
really, you need to be able to change the outfits lots... and style the hair and really make it your own... craft yourself a mohawk or dye it to match your own... (as far as i know, no pez have ever been made with barbie-style hair n we're missing out!!!)
not to mention cute shoes, strappy heels, biker boots, flip flops for exotic beach holidays and even superhero outfits to play dress up and save the day with...
ultimately, your pez should be your best friend, side kick, wing man... everything!
there could be a whole range! imagine a mini amy winehouse pez with full beehive hair, heavy tattoos and tiny short shorts to go drinking with...
or a russel brand pez for dates with amazing messy hair and hot open pirate shirts...
dress your own pez - surely these have the making of cult hits!... and fashion inspiration!

Oh valentines day
full of cuddly toys, cheesy cards and rather sooper pez sweets
Gotta love 'em.
hmm my idea for a wonderous lil oz pez dispenser
how bout m'dears a tardis pez dispenser
and when you push the little light on top of it the windows fall down and out pops your candy.
now thats rather awesome
failing that vince in thr mirrorball suit from the mighty boosh would be rather awesome also.
just a thought

my ideal pez would be a cute, kawaii, retro sweety shop on the end. It would have a gingerbread roof, and pale pink walls with the windows full of jars of colourful sweets like sherbet, humbugs, chupa chumpa lollies, ruhbarb and custards, cola bottles, mini mice etc... The pez tube would be decorated with candy coloured hearts (like the wallpaper for this page) or candy coloured polka dots. The word 'Pez' would be written in pale pink and outlined in white to look like icing. It would look so cute! Or what about a Marilyn Monroe one, with her trademark blonde curls and bright red lippy, and the top of her white halter neck dress should be seen around her neck. The tube should be bright red to match her lippy and 'Pez' should be written in white to match her dress. Hope u like my ideas, i relli couldn't chose between them both, Luv, Emily XxXx

hmm...ok my ideal pez would be a marilyn Monroe pez with a "diamonds are a girls best friend" theme. So obviously marilyn would be on the top with her white dress with the wind blowing up it (you know the photo I mean, right?) it would bd hot pink silk and then diamonds up the sides with a button that when you push it plays diamonds are a girls best friend!!! The perfect tribute to marilyn, no?

definitely a Bettie Page pez shes the ultimate queen of cool and would make the most glamorous pez ever!x

As a pez collector since i was a youngster, i have over 250 different styles. The one i DESPERATELY want, is an old school Lady Luck range. A year an a half ago i was fortunate enough to marry into the Luck family, and since then i like to refer to myself as lady luck. I'm planning the Lady Luck tattoo, and collect all things LUCK, so a pez dispenser would be perfect. for you guys too! As we share a name ; )

Well i love 80s cartoons so an 80s toon selection of pez would be amazing! You could have She-ra, He-man, Thundercats and my all time fave Jem and the Hologram. How ace would a Jem pez be! It would be pink obviously with some glitter throw in for good measure

I would have George W Bush. Then I would not only have the pleasure of decapitating him, but I would also be rewarded with delicious sweets.

wow, haven't thought about them in years.
I adored them!
except I would eat them all in one go and would have nothing to dispense.
tssk, such a greedy child.
anyway to answer the question, my perfect pez piece would be a techno womble. avec big sunglasses. ooh yess. xx

I have an awesome idea for a whole line of Pez dispensers! They could have vintage bottle caps as the toppers! The caps could be everything from soda pop to imported beer. The pez could even be flavored to match the caps!

i think that the perfect pez topper would be a small piece of moon..perhaps the sun but i think that would be a bit hot.
yes a nice shiny edgelet of moon would be the perfect little pez dude. the piece of moon would be from the top right corner..as that part doesn't get much attention these days and so if it could be on top of a pez i think it would make it a very happy little moon slice.
and then every time i got out my pez it would make me smile because surely no one else carries bits of moon around with them and i would be very grateful.
also we could then find out the truth if the moon was made of cheese..or if it was made of smooth milky fabric or even something else altogether.
AND i think that it could perhaps be used as a compact mirror.
dreams and wishes,
Ruby xxxxxxxxxxxx

I was thinkin maybe you go for like a rainbow sheep... or a duck....
Or.... (****kawaiiness****) a SPARKLY RAINBOW SHEEP WITH WINGS!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be cuuuuute?! ^_^
The sheep itself would be sparkly black, then its wool would be rainbow-coloured, with sparklyness all over it (like glitter or something) and then lil' white sparkly wings!!!
And the sparkly rainbow sheep would be bobbing on a spring. You know, like those nodding dogs you put in the back of cars!!! And the dispenser tubey thing would be bright PINK! And we can call the sheep Baabara... or Baarbie... or Baab... or Duck...lol ^____^

I think a little Leona character kitted out in some of the best LLROK jewellery and accessories from over the years would be a bit special and treasured by every lady luck fan.
She could be wearing one of the Lady Luck Rules OK Bargain Hunter T-Shirts from a few years ago, with an ursula and lightning bolt necklace and vintage legwarmers, a Happy Shopper tote over one shoulder with some cute mushroom stationary poking out of it, and a copy of Jackie tucked under the other arm. Aww cute.

my ideal pez dispenser would be a pink poodle with a black bow on her ear and a black collar with diamonds on it! or an orly owl because i bought him at the clothes show live and he is just the coolest ever and goes with everything! ;D

My fantasy PEZ dispenser would probably be..
♥ a stripy pink and white classic + cute candy-style main body
♥ the little feet on the bottom would be wind-up so it could walk around and offer PEZ to all your friends!
♥ it would dispense heart-shaped PEZ in lots of new and exciting flavours :)
♥ ..like grape, banana, raspberry, pina colada, strawberry smoothie, tropical..
♥ and the best part, the top would be a Moomin! ^.^
♥ with a little removable top-hat!
..and the scary little witch girl with the pointy nose from the cartoon would be nowhere to be seen! Ahh :)

My ultimate pez dispenser would have to be a minature stick woman with a bright pink skirt and a little red bow on its head.
I would have my own mini gal pal with me always and would be great to offer to all of my friends so they could take a little of my miniature gal pal with them {Rawkin}. I would even name it lucinda

Oh my days you have to have Nessie on your pez dispenser! Think of the posibilities!
It could play the national athem of good old scotter's when you opened it. How much fun could you have that?!
Picture the scene - hundreds of people playing a synchronised polyphonic version of scotland's very own athem.
Ahhh even that poorly described scene sounds mega awesome. However more awesome than that would be me winning the pez!
x x xx x xx xxxxx xx x

i would have a pez machine with my name spelt out in scrabble letters on it, or failing that it would have billy elliot on the top, in his iconic jumping pose.
i'd love to have billy with me twenty-four-seven.

My ideal PEZ would be the strong, beautiful and intelligent WONDER WOMAN!!!!
The main body would be cherry red with yellow stars scattered across it.
And on top would be WONDER WOMAN standing tall and courageously ready to save the world at any moment!! And not forgetting her signature blue and white star covered "hot" pants!!! Shes every girls icon!!!! xxxxxx

hahaha great idea for the jean-luc picard dispenser! the other day my friend sent me a youtube link to a picard song that someone had made up... all i will say is it was very strange... hahaha =D

Mine would be a perfect Marc Bolan tiny figure, with his perfect hair and clothes, ahhh, i'd worship it, i'd carry him around all day and make sure he'd never have to lie in the bottom of a cold drawer. I'd probably try to marry it too...but that's not legal...mm....<3

I would have a David Bowie one with a design like the cover of Aladdin Sane, how amazing would that look?!
But the idea of a Vince Noir one is tempting...

sailor moooooon!
or klonoa from the namco ps1 game as he is so cute. & he is a cat tht can fly with his ears!! 'nuff said :p xxx

I know, i want it to look like a piece of thick rope attached with an anchor on the end as a lock weaved around the pez dispenser. The anchor would be silver with a keyhole in the middle of it and 2 keys hanging on a ring along the rope. There would have blue, red and white/silver diamante on the rope! A
pretty sailory theme but i love it!
please make it, it would make my day no end! :]

Rainbow Brite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Coolest chick going round - protector of all the colours in the world -restores Rainbow land to its original glory!
Love her!

aww, i love pez!
i would like to have a pez-dispenser shaped like a cute, googly-eyed blythe doll, preferably rainy day parade. that would be incredibly awesome!

Hidey Hi Campers!
my superly duperly awesome PEZ would be sloth from the goonies with his superman shirt ^_^ on the actual dispensor would be HEY YOU GUYS written on ...and maybe even a shmashingly awesome treasure chest on it =]]... but...never fear those evil fratellis will never be seen on this PEZ machine! - that would be the bees knees :) Or failing all of that, we could have chunk from the goonies on top, doing his slightly disturbing, but altogether timeless TRUFFLE-SHUFFLE!!!!!and there would be a button that if you dared to press it would make all the weird noises that he produces from his mouth, whilst performing the classic TS! Yes, i will share my sweet, sweet, sweeties with my friends, even though they will all be green with envy!
i hope all the LLROK clan love my idea...cos...i know i do =]
lols all around

as i look around, i see the other Pez dispensers gathering dust, but standing on my magical pink pedestal, i know that as soon as the store opens, i will be eaten by person of brilliance. delivered late last night in a top security vehicle, i am a Pez of great importance. where my fellow Pez' are decorated in plain colour, i am encrusted in Barbie glitter icing. with my jelly bean nose, and a strawberry pout, i am quite possibly the most fabulous Pez ever created. i have been awarded the prize for Best Accessorized Pez for seven consecutive years, and this year, it's in the bag.
agyPez deyn, eat your heart out, i am THE next Pez model.

He might be quite gross and creepy but I'd love to see BEETLEJUICE (BEETLEJUICE BEETLEJUICE)! The pez candy might taste a little bit odd though..

Hi thurrrr
My sooper-dooper PEZ-dispenser-ooper would have a small, fluffy bear on it, a pretty, one eyed bear. She would sit upon her PEZ-dispenser throne & play her banjo all day long, she would have multi-coloured fur, changing depending on her mood, and would most often sing songs about the friends she meets on her candy-related journeys. Her name would be Isabear, named after me, naturally, I did invent her after all. She would have a permanent grin on her face, a hypnotising grin, one look into her eye & you'd be powerless to dispense a delicious PEZ pill from her. Oh, and did I mention she has a beard?
Love Isabella x

My ideal pez dispenser. I think it would be a super super cute ice-cream, multi coloured of course! and instead of little sprinkles, little smiley faces!
Orrrr -
the 'rock' side coming out here -
A pair of skinny black jeans with a studded belt on it, and the top bit [which you open] would be a super cool indie /rock tshirt :D [the shoes on the bottom of the jeans would be converse or vans :D]
Loooots of love! From Amandaa x [On my mums account hahaaa]

I would have a cartoon faced-clock as the figurine on my pez dispenser. I love clocks and how great would it be if you could have a little sweetie everytime you checked the time? I'd be checking the time every minute!

i would love to have a photo pez. where you can change the heads of them with photos of your friends. imagine eating candy out of your best friends mouth!!

The Pacman Ghost would be so cool to have on a Pez!
That or a Fender plectrum!

My ideal PEZ dispenser would have to be..
The essential RAVE buddy!
My PEZ would be neon green pink, yellow, blue AND red neon! Of course not the colours, but the lights would be built in to give off the authenticity. On the cap to open the PEZ dispenser would be a little neon makeup palette for those needed top ups of bright coloured cosmetics like bright pink eyeshadow and neon lipstick. They would be in little rectangles for easy dabbing access.
It would have a mirror on the back of the PEZ dispenser to help you apply your neon makeup supplied on the brilliant lid!
This brilliant raving sidekick is practical AND tasty and the PEZ sweets would keep you going for hours on end!
From Hannah.

j'adore a pez like...............................................
With a film real body with a red snappy camera with a snap button and lense sitting proudly on top containing a tiny slide show with everyones favourite icons,cartoons,fads,toys,music and film weather it be jem and the hollograms, hungry hungry hippos, he-man, duran duran or the two coreys (haim 'n' feldman)you can have fun with the iconic ever popular era that is the 80s!

BOOM BOX shaped PEZ dispenser thing.

oooh, this is hard. ok, who's read the book twilight? i love all those books! well i would have a wolf to represent jacob black! or maybe thumper from bambi, or bambi himself, i love deer, or maybe the lil skunk, i always felt a bit sorry for him cos he didn't get to go iceskating in the movie cos he was hibernating!! oh no, now i've got it: ugly betty!!! or a lobster............yes, i'm going with the lobster now! i have a picture of salvador dali's lobster telephone on my wall in my room! imagine, you pick up the phone and it bites your ear! yes, i'd like a lobster on top of my pez, on of my fave childhood toys was a lifesize lobster that would dance and sing Sea Cruise (look up the song if you don't know it, its sooooooooo funny!) when you pressed a button on its stand!! so when you open the pez dispenser to get a sweet it can play that song again!! sorry, this is a very rambling entry, i just typed what ever popped into my head, but now, i'm going with the lobster, in memory of the dancing one i dropped and broke all those years ago! annie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The one thing I would like to carry around with me all day and eat from would be a pez of my own face, it would keep me amused for so long. Who doesn’t like a bit of narcissistic plastic ? x

My PEZ dispenser would have to be Fairytale themed...
Covered in cute glittery, sparkle-tastic faires;;
& cute little mushrooms with smiley faces
surrounding a fairy castle, in the middle of an enchanted forest.
&& should have fake ivy twisting up the sides.
How cute would that be?/?
mooch love
Alice .x.

As a sweety lover my ideal pez dispenser would have a little lolly pop man, partly cos that would be SO CUTE (with wee eyes and a smiley face) and partly cos when you run out of yummy little pez sweetys you could have a lick of him, hehe! much love x

Robert Smith from the Cure because I'm obsessed!

it'd be my own head.
because that'd be so funny eating candy out of my head.

I would have a paddington bear shaped one with maramalade flavour pez :P

I'd have one made of my fabulous boyfriend. He's sweet like the sweets in Pez, he makes me giggle, like when I eat too many Pez sweets, and theres never a quite moment with him around, again, like when Pez Sweets and a dispenser are in the room.
If I had him on a Pez I could always have something on me to make me smile when he's not around, and when I dispense a sweet I could always remind myself of how tasty he is! =P

hmm...pez...yum! ^^ *drools*
if i had the chance to make my own pez, i would probably have a gorgeous pair of shoes on top, 60's style, all shiny and cute. Or...if possible, i'd have feet, and then you could get a pair of shoes to go on them, and you could change them everyday, From a pair of cute converse, to a pair of sexy stilettos.
Every girl loves shoes...and you could change the pair everyday to go with your own outfit...or put shoes on that match your own!
It could be awesome :]

I Think What Would Be The KOOLIEST and FABBYDOCIOUSIEST --If Thats A Word!
Is A Simple YET The following words Above; A Big Cute Pez Pez Dispenser.
It Would be a Amethyst colour with sparkly aqua Cheeks that shine! And big puppy dog eyes with long glittery black eyelashes! When you trigger it from the back to get your delicious PEZ sweetie, it opens its mouth and has a little hot pink tongue with two big goofy teeth, a bit like sponge bobs. =D
It will have arms and legs, and will be wearing the new white cutie pie dress and some white little pumps. =]

My pez dispenser would be either:
personalised ones of you or your friends
to give to them
then that way you'd never forget which one was yours
and you could eat pez from your own head
which would be weird but verrrry funny
a stupid celebrity like paris hilton etc
just so that when you take the pez out of them
you can depriving them of good sweets
and you get to smack their head back down

well. here goes.
my pez dispenser would have a girl on it. but not just any old girl. this young lady would represent the modern teenager, who finds life hard and can't always do the best that everyone expects her to do. we have to name this girl soo. . her name is Calam. she has parents who are love her very much, but can sometimes be tough on her and friends who pressurise her into akward situations. These so-called friends think that she is a tad strange, just because she expresses herself through the way she dresses, speaks and acts in daily life. this girl was once a brave soldier against the world and these girls who find her to be " a freak." she likes to read and so she would of course have a book in her hand. but, it would have to be 'French for Kissing' by sophie parkin, as she can relate to the main character Lily. Lily likes to speak french whenever you should really be quiet, and before the world got the best of her, Calam was like that too. Calam's short cropped hair (think Audey Hepburn in Sabrina) means that sometimes she is called a boy. but because of one of her friends and one alone, she has kept this hairstyle because it is unique. this friend of Calam's is called Billy-Jean, but everyone calls her Billy. Calam loves Billy like a sister, and waits in joyful hope for texts or letters from her best friend. so, on my pez dispenser, a girl with longish, brown wavy hair and blue eyes would sit next to Calam, reading over her shoulder and laughing at the jokes made in the book. both girls would be smiling, and the sun would be beaming down on their faces. Billy, being as wild and wacky as Calam, would of course be wearing purple tights; this is one particular item of clothing that Billy lives and dies in. Calam would have red tights on, with red heart shaped sunglasses perched on her head. tre's cool. but the t-shirts that the girls would be wearing are identical. red, with the names of the Beatles on in bold, black writing. the two LOVE the Beatles.
anyways, so far, my pez dispenser looks a little like this :
- a girl sitting on some grass. she has short, light brown, cropped hair like Audrey Hepburn with brown eyes too. she is wearing a red t-shirt with the names of the Beatles written on it. also, red tights and red heart-shaped sunglasses can be seen. she holds a book in her hand and is smiling at a joke that she has just read.
- sitting beside Calam is another girl. she has longish, brown hair and blue eyes. again, she has a red t-shirt on which reads 'JOHN PAUL GEORGE & RINGO' but, unlike Calam, Billy has purple tights on. She has one arm around Calam and the other is pointing to the book, and she is laughing hysterically.
now, i know you were wondering, so YES my pez dispenser does relate to me (Josie) and my best friend (Rosie.) our nicknames for each other are Billy and Calam and so this explains the rather odd choice of charecter names.
Rosie is my soul sister and so i thought it only fair to include her on the dispenser. after all, she changed my life and helped release my inner kookiness. where would i be without her?
soo, after that massive essay on us two, it is time for me to buzz off and send this long, long chunk of waffle to you at LLROK.
loads of love,

I would have one made as a present to my hubby. Who has a Keyboard obsession so would have to be a keyboard! Then I could nick all the sweets xxx

my dream pez dispenser would be one with marie from the aristocats and she would be curled up and asleep on a heart shaped pillow covered in pink polka dots and edged with frilly pink lace. She would have her eyes shut and her eyelashes would have tiny little diamonds in them. Her bow would be lace and her cheeks would have a little bit of pink sparkle on them. The stick bit would have mini Eiffel towers covering it, have little diamonds covering it and of course it would be pink! the pez sweets would be marshmallow and ice cream flavour. and would be heart shaped. They would come out of a little opening just a little bit underneath the pillow. It would be a must have for the most up to date girlies:)

If i were Queen on the pez i would have mine in the shape of noel fielding a.k.a mighty boosh's vince noir. He'd have his little cowboy boots and hat on and the hat would life up to reveal shiny nu rave candies. ooh and he'd be in his disco ball suit, so cool. Or be dressed as old gregg now that would be awesome.
:D x

my pez would be a mystery box pez edition - sort of like one of those random box mixtures you order online from a shop of a favorite character (ie, hello kitty, gumby, string dolls, kid robot). The other good parts about it would be a genuine mini certificate for your surprise pez, a set of stickers of the other pez in that particular collection) and ultimately a contest!
It would play off the theme of 'willy wonka'. Basically whoever happened to get the purple foiled wrapped candy pez pieces would win some monetary prize where there would be one grand prize, and several sub monetary prizes. Why purple you ask? Why not?

Four words.
Chuck Norris Pez Topper.

on my pez didpencer (valentine themed )i would put something like a tiny bopper ring but it would have a big heart saying cute lips a cupid's arrow, a coke with two straws, a packet of love heart sweets, a tiny llrok lighting bolt in pink, two pink beating hearts, at the side a teddy bear holding a flaming red heart, a cute dress, a cute car, red lips and with a spring on top saying in a hot pink heart TRUE LOVE in silver with a cute couple underneath! a bit squished but itll be small!
please consider me! love u llrok !!
luv nidha xxxxxxxx
have a happy pez valentine!

My dream Pez packet would be the Lady Luck Lightnening bolt - with the red lipstick bit where all the Pez candies come out from! It would be so super cute - and would surely fly off the shelves quicker then you can say: "Lady Luck rules, ok??!"

I reckon a Ziggy Stardust pez dispenser would be pretty damn cool.

I would like to see different famous people pez. You can put a former president face on one and place their quote that they are known for or put some type of history fact about them on the side of the body. This way not only would you teach them about our world and history you can still have fun while eating the pez.

it would have to be a cowboy-western themed heath ledger tribute pez dispenser, he would wear a cowboy hat and you could have little springy clouds attached to the top to give a nice 3D effect..
it would just have to be.
:( ♥

OOO, I think that polar bear from the film The Golden Compass, cos he won, and i would wanna beat him in my fight against the pez dispenser!

I would like to see Brian Mays head on a pez dispensor. But the best bit would be the curly hair that would be implanted in his little plastic scalp! Just like the fake plastic barbie hair (don't try and wash it!). You would just give his hair a little yank and out pops a pez sweet. I would be his 'Sweet lady'...

I'm, stuck between a blythe pez (which might be a pricey one) that has a little pull string in the back of her head to change her eye colour. Or maybe a hungry hungry hippo! Instead of feeding them marbles your filling up the dispenser with pez mmm!

I would want guitar PEZ, or a Gary Numan shaped one, that would be electric.
Or maybe just a simple yellow one would do just fine, ;)
EEE! A tetris shaped one, cos everyone loves tetris.

Inspector Gadget would make a wicked Pez dispenser! How cool would that be is Pez's came out of his hat! Haha.
Amy Kins xxxx

I'd like a Oscar Wilde one! Because I think it would be kind of kitsch and ironic or maybe a James Dean one?
Or Maybe one that says 'My Own Private Idaho' it probably wouldn't have much appeal to people who haven't seen the film but I think its a really edgy and under rated film
A STAND BY ME PEZ DESPENSER THAT ONLY HAS CHERRY FLAVOURED PEZ! and it could have profound quotes from the film on it or the cherry pez line........
Those are my ideas sorry if they are similar to anyone elses as I have not read them all. :)

I would have a pez that was silver mirrorball plastic, with milly molly mandy on the top, that also had a moon and guitars and music notes on it, also it could sing my favourites songs ( at the mo albion by babyshambles, any razorlight and the mighty boosh songs), and multicolour pez sweets to go in it! Oh and it would have a lady luck charm attached comprising of a lipstick bolt and would have its own special pocket doll storage case that looked like vince noir! All of my favourite things in one pez! I would draw you a picture, or I may and stick it on my myspace, so you have to go look at it pls! Let me win I love pez and lady luck! xxx

I think that there should be a Harry Potter PEZ, because it really is a part of british history now. Also, I bloody love it. Also, the smurfs would be awesome or, some cool little retro robots.

I would like a pez dispenser that was hot pink but at the top would b baby pink bubble writing that says love ,a green outline around it then a baby blue glittery one around the perimeter
I would have one with lips at the top and the lips would be covered in fuschia glitter the bottom bit would be pastel green!
Amy x

Hiya Kenzie from Blazin Squad Phwoar xx

A pirate PEZ dispenser with eye patch & pirate hat and everything,
it would be so cool.
And the long stick part of the PEZ dispenser, to be all black
and maybe covered in skulls & crossbones :)
A sailor themed dispenser.. all red & blue stripy with a cute little cartoon face :]
and lots of anchors over the stick bit!

The best pez dispenser has to be MR.T one !!
and the sweets that come out have his famous
words on it like i pity the fool :)

Music legends.
Freddy Mercury
Michael Jackson...
and so on.
It would be pretty good :)

My ideal pez would be one with mario's bross mushrooms.. in green and red
it could be so cool

OMW mine would totes be a cupcake on top like ones in a variety of different colours ,sprinkles,cherries,swirly cake decorations LOVE IT! and oo butter cream icing
Seriously obsessed by cupcakes...

Oh my gosh what a great idea... Hmmm...
Mine would so definitely have to be a Tiger, which the pez came out of its mouth.
Ohh! And i would love it in like pink. Pink Tiger stripes = SO HOT!
I LOVE tigers so much <3

i would totally do a ginger bread man!! they rule don't u think they are so cute and yummy like pez!
the pezes would come out of his mouth!!
i think the yummy on yummy effect would be even tastier
x x x x

Mine would be a colourful little Russian doll, that would open and instead of having another doll in, would have a secret pez, just in case you ran out :) Lady Luck Rules!!!

It would absolutely HAVE to be a super cute, baby blue kawaii kitty with a little smile and heart shaped eyes ^^ This would, of course, be on a pink dispenser with tonnes of gorgeously groovy GLITTER. It may look sweet, but this thing's gonna help me take over the world with an army of cuteness, and everyone in my world will love LLROK =D

The Perfect Pez -
Would be interchangeable with a host of tops to match your outfit.
Glows in the dark.
Smells like parma violets.
Plays a variety of top choonage.
Can make tea and wash up.
Scares away mean or annoying people with a alarm.
Is able to whip up a three course meal for your friends.
Knows the meaning of life.
Doesn't care if your bum is big.
Is keen to see you when you get home.
Has super powers like flight and laser vision.
Can mend a broken heel in a jiffy.
Warns you of low flying bird poop.
Tells you Mum you are not home when she rings.
Pays the rent.
Reads you a bedtime story.
Knows Christian Slater personally.
Doesn't mind about hearing about your evil ex for the 348th time.
Makes you a better dancer.
Has an IQ of 194.
Always knows where your keys are.
Has an in built lipgloss and a chain so you can wear it.

My ideal pez dispenser would be the top of the dispenser would be like them 'stop' road signs with my name 'Jeannie' on it and the colour on the bottom of it would be a redish / pinkish colour !; D that would be amazing! Or one with a mini egg cup on the top which you cant actually hold eggs in, possibly a spherical chewing gum to hold in it to it would hold chewing gum at the top , and pez'es at the bottom ! I'd really love that : D

The ideal pez dispenser would have to be a GIANT one, with pez the size of double deckers *o* THE WONDER...........*sighs* It would be a dream come true, i would fashion myself a house out of pez and perhaps a car, and little pez friends and i could live in a candy wonderland *giggles* Pez...... Giant Pez....... Life would be complete////

Okay, so assuming cost isn’t an issue, I would love a limited edition Swarovski crystal covered PEZ dispenser. It would have shimmery crystal beads dotted on the side of the dispenser, a shiny black base colour and perched on top would be the gorgeous swan in all her glory.
You’d have candy on the go, a drop dead gorgeous fashion accessory, a limited edition collector’s item (for jewellery and PEZ fans alike) and it’d be an awesome homage to the birthplace of both PEZ and Swarovski, Austria (as a half-Austrian, mum’s side, I can feel the pride already!!). :)

OMG i would ♥ a groovy trees pez like with "SAVE THE TREES" on it! lol
ps.i ♥ pez

i would love a tree pez the tree would have a sad face and it would say around where u hold it "SAVE ME AND MY FRIENDS!"
lol ♥jez ps. i ♥ pez!

le pez de mes rêves!!!!
Once upon a time there was a little French girl named Charlotte (what a coincidence)...
She was cute and nice to every one.one day the naughty Grandma gave a poisonous sweetie to her and she fell asleep. nothing could awake not even the smell of a nice cake...The legend said that only a hello kitty shaped pez would help her but none was to be found in the whole kingdom...Would there be someone to wake her up...
Maybe she will get up if she wins the contest!!!
la suite au prochain épisode!!

a nice glittery robotic pez dispenser would be quite snazz
i got an andy warhol one from Belgium and i was quite chuffed :)

my ideal pez despenser wouls be a crown shape on the top and it would have diamontees as the jewels. the colour of the despenser would be baby pink and the crown would be gold with baby pink diamontees ! also , the despenser could have a radio in it and headphones on it . it would be great for long journeys because you can have a snack in the car as you listen to the radio aswell !xx

My boyfriend Dave's head.

I think i would have a huge rainbow!
with all the colours neon!
with a lightning bolt on the side,
to add a bit of glam the lightning bolt would be glittery!
and the bottom bit where the pez is would have little robots on it!
it would light up

millie the mouse
or the patch work doll from playdays
or brum
my gosh, a whole childhood of cartoons on a pez dispenser. that sounds like a dream come true.

My fantasy pez would be called Barry.
Cos its a cute name
Barry is a bee.
The pez candy would be fizzy flavoured to make you feel like you're flying and alternated black/yellow sweets of course!!!
and there would be a jump ring in the top of the bee pez head so you could put a chain through it and rock it as a necklace!

Some mini pez.
That are easier to carry around.
And they have little retro robots on the top

A glow in the dark jetsons pez dispenser!! any one of the Jetsons family would be super :D awwww, the Jetsons were amazing...

An 80's retro roller girl, with lots of bright colours & glitter!!

I'd say the pez should just look like one big pez sweet, with the pez perhaps having cute looking eyes and other humanly features. Oh and different flavours of mini pez sweets would come out of his mouth. That would be uber cool!

Mt ideal pez dispenser would have a head on the top and have loads of differant hats and wigs (perhaps even shades or mini lady luck necklaces). Oh the hours of fun you could have!!!!

ooooooh PEZ PEZ!
i was thinking for quite a while but i have decided on a BUTTON MOON PEZ!
i was addicted to that show when i was a wee one!
i'd love to have Mr Spoon adorning the top of the dispencer, spacey looking twinkly glitter sides with little button moons decorating it (in bright yellow of course)!
wowzers! i'd love one to carry round to remind me of my childhood days!
good luck everyone! xxxxxxxxxxx alma

So many choicess! I think I would love a Tony Soprano pez as I'm a big fan and sopranos merchandise is few and far between. Plus it would be kinda funny as he's a perplexing pez cover-boy and would certainly wnce at the though himself!
Or, Ms Pacman would be really cool! And her mouth kinda opens like a pez dispenser already so it'd be criminal not to!

minnie mouse deffo... childhood hero xx

I've been thinking long and hard about this, making sure my character of choice is worthy of the job as the ultimate PEZ character. So, after much consideration, I'm heading back to my roots.
This character has been around for many years, originally seen only by some as a damsel in distress, in need of saving. But no, this character is in fact a butt-kicking, high-flying, Mario-saving, girl-power princess!
She is the one and only Princess Peach!
Many many years ago I was given an original Nintendo Gameboy - which really is the ultimate games console, no arguments! The large grey box sat, and still does sit, comfortably in your hands - who cares that it didn't fit in your pocket, took 4 AA batteries and was only in black and white, it was my prized possession! And the very first game I hear you ask? None other than Super Mario! But who cares about him! You battle through many a level, past bigger and better monsters, all to save the beautiful Princess Peach - now she's got to be something special!
She's survived the years since, and now even has her own game - saving Mario! Finally someone has given her the recognition she deserves! But what could be better than your own game? Surely only being immortalized forever as a PEZ dispenser!
In commemoration of the season, Princess Peach really is the perfect Valentines Day character too! Feeling loved up; she's always got Mario by her side! But had enough of boys and feeling hard done by?! You bet that Princes Peach could kick them into shape and still remain in perfect form! She really is my number one! And what’s more – the girl’s got style – don’t you wish you could pull off a pink ball gown and crown every day, I sure do!
My ultimate PEZ dispensed would therefore have to have Princess Peach on the very top, with the rest of the dispenser in matching pink - her very favourite colour! The front and back would be covered with pink glitter - think fairy dust! And the sides would have several 3D pink mushrooms protruding from them. And the dispenser would come with a tube of limited edition sherbet flavoured PEZ – the perfect snack for Princess Peach! This really would stay in my pocket 24/7, ready to whip out in times of need when you need cheering up, or just to win over the boys with her charming looks!
Princess Peach really is the perfect pink PEZ character, every day of the week!

my dream pez despenser would have to beee ZIPPY off rainbows,because he's just smintd ,and u would have to unzip his mouth to get a pez out, ooooh the Awesomeness!!!!

I would love a pez dispenser of moonface from the story of the magic faraway tree, hes so amazing and the head on the pez thing would have to be really big and round :)
Also i'd like the sweet to actually come out of his mouth because all the ones i remember having seemed to come out of the character's neck ha?
Oh and it would be good if the pez dispenser was extended BECAUSE more sweets yay

When I was little, I wouldn't go anywhere without my favourite Rosie and Jim jumper, so my ideal Pez dispensers would be a set of 2, one of Rosie and one of Jim. The first one would be a yellow dispenser with Rosie written down each side in red letters, with Rosie's head on top. Whereas Jim's would be the same, but coloured red, with Jim written in yellow letters down the side. And of course it would have his head on top!
I grew up watching Rosie and Jim, those lovable rag-dolls, getting up to all sorts of adventures, and going on trips, so what would be better than the fiesty pair, celebrated on top of another children's favourite, Pez. It would be like going back to those care free days when you didn't have exams and deadlines, and when all you had to worry about was if your mum would let you go to the park or not! And for Valentines day? Well, it's already a perfect his and hers set. But if you don't have that other half, then you could just keep both for yourself!
And then there's always the possibility of a trusty Duck dispenser too - the perfect sidekick!

i love pez :D

I would have a glittery... bright... roller skate on top of mine XD... maybe bright blue with yellow wheels.... and red laces XD .... just because it'd always remind of roller discos XD XD x x x

How about a collection of pez dispensers in the characters from 'The Breakfast Club': John Bender and the gang immortalised in plastic pez perfection! Or, to stick with the 80s theme, what about Brat Pack dispensers? Emilio Estevez, Molly Ringwald et al. That would be awesome!
Or, one of my favourite nintendo characters- Kirby! He's so cute, you couldn't refuse.
My favourite idea though would be to have a selection of old school Hollywood Starlet pez dispensers- Bette Davis, Katherine Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe...all in their finest glamorous accessories, or course. : )

i would have a big pink cat on mine with blue whiskers

My ideal super dooper dream pez dispenser would be the fabulous beautiful heart shape darling that Lady Luck are currently giving away. This is because I collect pez despensers (and have around 400) but I dont have this one and what better way to add to my collection than to have this piece of wonder donated to me by my favourite jewellery queens at lady luck? xxxx

i would probably make a pez despenser of a my little pony (all different colours and tattoos so you could chose your favourite!) it would have a button that when you pressed it, it would play the my little pony song! you could take off the pony and play with it and after you could put it back on and enjoy the sweeties! there could even be a special rainbow pony (only one!) with rainbow pez (colour co-ordinated!) and if you got it you would win a prize like maybe a vintage my little pony (the new ones are super cool but the retro ones are wicked!). i would definitley buy one as i have a my little pony school bag! buffnes huh!

My Ideal PEZ would be a parsnip one because it's a completely new idea and PARSNIP PEZ sounds like they were made for each other.
Luv you all at LLROK and i loved you at the clothes show in b'ham.
luv jessi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

a glow in the dark glittery unicorn, with a really nice chain to wear it around your neck, like twisted gold (L)
i'd wear it, everyday and eat pez' all day :-D
perfection! xx

the perfect pez would be a goldfish, that shines and also has wobbly eyes, so his eyes bobble about when you want a pez XD and its funny to see a fish open and close its mouth and u can do that all you want with a pez, it would be cool

As everyones come up with so many great ideas, it was hard to think of an original one!
But I guess my fantasy pez dispenser would be faye from the film chungking express, and it would play her favourite song, california dreaming.
I could eat pez and watch that film allll day - its so pretty.

I'd have a betty boop pez dispenser as it was around the same time pez's were invented!
She'd have a pink dress with white spots and everytime you wanted a pez she would wink as you got one! While she was winking she could say "ooh i say!" She'd also be wearing a big red feather boa and she could go on a little pink chain round your neck so you could have pez's wherever you go!
I'd die to have a pez like that!
Maya xxx

this took some thinking about.
reading the comments about mario and princess peach gave me a ultimate brain wave. crash bandicoot.
my childhood obsession from when playstations were cool. we could funk him up a little and give him some sumglasses or a hat, whatever floats your boat.
i'd buy it. (:
Loves Lucy (L)

Oooh, I'd kill for a pez that had a cute little witch on top(a bit like The Worst Witch) with stripy pink accessories- ooh! :D

Hiii Guyz.
Well, ive thought about this whilst reading past comments and have come up with my ultimate ikkle pez dispenser...Pacman or Lady Pacman...either one would be totally nerdalicious.
I love pacman, hes so cool. with his lil wakka wakka buddies trying to eat him...but you just know they secretly love him inside.
Hes a lil yellow dot that opened every kids eyes to the amazing world of retro arcade games...o how addictive he is.
Pacman rulezzzzzzz.
Luvz Nerdalie.

well it would HAVE to be bo bo yogi the bears little friend lol
bo bo is so sweet he makes me smile !! y not bo bo ?!

I would use one of the characters from CareBears! They're so cute and are perfect for giving out little heart-shaped cute lollies because their aim is to give love and care.
The ideal character to use would be Share Bear. She is a bear that is known to have a big heart and lots of love to give. She is perfect to be a character for Pez because she is the bear that always has a bag full of lollies to give to everyone.
It makes sense that she's Share Bear and she's sharing Pez lollies with you right?
Check her out on the Care Bears website:
She's the purple one! ♥♥♥

Captain Jack Sparrow (swoon swoon) or A Doctor Who Dalek. Ha. That said 'Exterminate'.

iv'e been thinking...and my pea-like brain has thought up a rather shuper idea! Do you remeber the clangers?? cos...i know i do =] there was momma clanger, pappa clanger and baby clanger and all the other clangers and clangettes and and and and SOUP DRAGON!!!!!!! woop woop! yes, i would have the soup dragon in his bowl on top of this deeeelicious PEZ machine, yes he would sit quite proudly on top....underneath, on the actual sticky thing, there would hundreds of little pink clangers dancing around and whistling their little songs with their scarily long claws, on the moon. :S then, youd press the dragon and out pops a little sweetie...yum =P
i hope you like this rather childish idea...
because, i do =]

oh oh oh!!!!
it would have to be a baby pink base colour then the LLROK Lipstick lightning bolt with rainbows and stars!!!! oh what a treat with different coloured sweets!!! yummy!!! Also the llrok logo on the top
Leah xxxx

my ideal pez despenser wouls be a crown shape on the top and it would have diamontees as the jewels. the colour of the despenser would be baby pink and the crown would be gold with baby pink diamontees ! also , the despenser could have a radio in it and headphones on it . On the back it could hsve some mini photo slots so you can put photo booth pictures of you and your friends on it ! And it would be great if it was glittery to

its got to be the babycham bambi!!!

In addition to my post, I have made a picture of my fantasy pez :)
Here's the direct link to the image

x]! the ideal pez dispenser would definitely be forrest kline, he gheekishyl good looks would definitely suit the luscious candy! teehee x

My ideal Pez would be a huge green rubber duck with pink star shaped spots on it and the duck would have hair!! and the hair would be pink and green!! and then on the plastic non head bit it would have multi-colored stars all over it...ooh and when you get the candy out it would quack!!! and then sing nice weather for ducks by lemon jelly!!
wow....if only it existed!!

if i was gonna have something on top of a pez,
i'd either have something from rainbow, you remember rainbow, right ? like zippy, george or bungle.
or, i also think i'd be really cool to have like a limited edition lady luck one. with like a really big, hot pink, miss hoot hoot on top, or like a few others have suggested, a big lady luck thunderbolt, and with the thunderbolt you could do it in loads of different colour matches, so do a green, blue, yellow, pink, red and an original and then collect them all ! : ) that'd be wicked.


I would definitely want a pokemon Pez dispenser! a pickachu, jigglypuff, bulbasaur or growlithe would probably be the best. How good would that be??? it could have pokeballs going down the sides or 'i chose you' or some other amazing pokemon classic lines. and if it could double as a necklace that would be super too :D

i am a candy fanatic!!!!! to me, the perfect pez would be a series based on the world's greatest lollypops-- DUM DUMS!!!!! Each pez of the collection would be based on one of dum dum's classic flavours (i'd probably choose rootbeer, cream soda, cola, and cherry cola, but one could also go for a more fruit-flavored theme as well), and the pez head would be rounded like a dum dum and decorated with the design of the wrapper--inside the pez would have to be flavored like the coresponding dum dum!!!!

On the top of my pez dispenser i would have a stay puff marshmallow man bobble head.
This little cutie from ghost busters would look awesome sticking out of the top of my skinny jean pocket as his heads wobbles as i walk.
awesome or what?

I would like to have a big purple heart on top of my PEZ, I should be full of glitter and sparkles. And if you shake it, tiny glitter-stars will fall out :D It's kind of girly ;D

I want my Girlfriends face on my Pez! It would be the best Valentines day forever!!
Lady-Luck-Rules-ok must have a shop here in Sweden, special in Stockholm!

Now, for my fur-coated Pez I'd have the cutest of fwuffy wuffy kittens, a lovable wide-eyed ginger tom. Press his head, his mouth will open - MEEEEE-OW - and instead of dispensing a sugary pez-shaped snack, he coughs up a stubborn hairball.

i would have a pacman one ♥
i love pacman soo much - he's soo cool
if i didn't pick him - it would have to be a gloomy bear
they're too cute !
or a neon trainer!
thats classic!
best ever :)

It would have to be a shinny glittery unicorn with the head on the top And then the legs sticking out the sides and the pez could come out the unicorns Bum :))) yay

I think it should be in the shape of a lollypop for Mika's song because he is the best in the whole wide worrrrrrrrld.
And he wears nice trousers at new year. ;)

I know i've already said i would like a rainbow rubber duck on top of my pez dispenser but i'm bored and it just occured to me that maybe it would be cool to put Gabe Saporta from Cobra starship on top of a pez dispenser in his purple hoodie because he seems like the kind of guy who would love to be on top of a pez dispenser (cobra starship are awesome) and his name is Gabe i mean seriously Gabe! either that or someone from Alphabeat or something associated with Alphabeat

If you can get people on them then either george clooney or Johnny Depp lol but if you can't then a seahorse or a cute penguin.

I'd love my pez just to have a little lipstick attached to the top, and a little mirror on the side!It would be sooo handy and everyone would want one, the tastiest way to check your make up!Hehe <3 Ladyluckrulesok

Mine would have to be a...
Gorgeous retro ticking clock on top of a dispenser.
it could be so cute, then maybe every hour or so a tiny miniature cuckoo bird could come flying out saying 'CUCKOO PEZ TIME!'
And a little Pez candy comes popping out automatically =]
It could be so amazing!!
whether its possible or not.. hmm

Omg listen to this!
What about a little sugar lump with a cute smiley face and rosy cheeks!?

As it is valentine's day, it would have to be my sweetheart :)
He's got yummy face that I could eat all day :D

I have to say i <3 modeling, not because of the skinniness, but because of how gorgeous the models are and i love FASHION and all that Jazz..
I also must say i Love Vogue magazine covers the bright colors, the originality and just the craziness.
So as you can probably guess my Dream PEZ would have a little Twiggy figure, with her short hair, huge eyes, a fab dress and of course her skinny legs.
Agyness Dean, She has such WOW taste in fashion and accesories, multi coloured clothing, Platinum blonde hair and just plain WOWNESS!.

Easily DangerMouse.
What a legend! Who doesn't love him?
Or Zippy, from Rainbow, who ruled my life as a kid. :)

marie antoinette, definitely :P

A mini coca cola bottle!! With a lil straw! And there would be a kiddie drinking it!! AWW! And the pez inside could be COLA FLAVOUR. Ohh ohh ohh AND the dispenser would be glittery!! xxx