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« Superette - back with a bang! | Read our latest Articles! | The return of the Teeny Bopper Ring » |
6 weeks ago we decided to put the snazz back into Superette so we closed the shop, sold all our furniture on eBay and Sam my boyfriend hung up his Graphic designers cap and put on a hard hat! I dreamt of serving customers through a giant heart shaped serving hatch, displaying all our goodies in themed colourful stories, creating a window installation to make all passers by stop and stare with amazement and selling pretty dresses and quirky accessories by similar minded designers. Can we do it? Yes we can! Firstly we put together a crack team of interns who believed in our vision of cute ‘n’ crafty goodness – Collette, Caitlin and Amy the prop’n’plush makin’ wonderkids; Fran and Natalie the super star sewing crew, Liz the cardboard whiz, Nat the doodle meister and Jenna the pro cupcake baker. With these gals aboard the good ship Lady Luck we could do anything!
Sam pretty much worked day and night on the build whilst us ladies worked on the instore props and window display. For Superette’s first ever window installation we created the theme “woodland picnic party” in which a pink haired mannequin (aka Bunty) flew a kite and frolicked with life size plush woodland creatures around a neon hamper full of knitted foods with smiling faces….we were all squealing with excitement at the prospect! Collette set to work on a giant bambi made from sparkle PVC, whilst Fran made a red and white striped shorts and braces combo for our mannequin and Caitlin spray painted a vintage picnic hamper neon yellow and made a giant owl from kite fabric. But none of us could knit… oh oh
I sent out an SOS via Leeds and Glasgow Craft Mafia and Etsy and we were inundated with offers by a whole bunch of talented ladies. Phew! Sharleen Morco from Mmm…Fruit in California made us a giant strawberry cake with slices of cake to sell in Superette; Helen Cotterill who can sometimes be found selling her wares at Pretty Crafty Things in Leeds whipped us up a knitted bottle of Babycham with 2 cocktail glasses and cherries (it’s a sophisticated picnic y’know); Alicia Kachmar from Brooklyn made us a punnet of smiling strawberries and the most adorable ice creams to sell in Superette; Laura from Eendol in Charleston, United States made us a batch of salmon and cucumber sandwiches and ice creams called Mr 2 Scoops to sell in Superette; and Kandy Diamond from Knit and Destroy made us a giant lolly for Bunty to hold along with some mini knitted sweeties and lolly brooches to sell in Superette. We'd gone crochet crazy and when the ladies from Let's Knit magazine came to the opening party they were delighted!
It was now time to start work on some fun instore props to display all our goodies. Sam had designed a wall unit in which we could create 9 miniature sets for our favourite products, which included:
• the Ice Cream display with candy coloured menu board, ice cream holder and a 3D ice cream van complete with ice cream seller and a queue...eeeeee
• the Owl display in which our Miss Hoot Hoot necklaces are perching on their very own tree house style huts and our Barn Owl Betty purses are resting on tree branches…awww
• the Lollipop tree display in which our fruit jewellery is displayed on fruit shaped cards hanging from a pink lollipop tree behind a white picket fence on a sunny day with Vince the bunny flying past...don't ask!
With the display coming together I turned my thoughts to what we were going to sell in the all new Superette! I was looking for clothes and gifts that complimented our growing range of fun jewellery, crazy accessories and cute stationery. I snapped up some adorable dresses with hearts and stripes and polka dots from Reko who had the stand next to us at the Clothes Show Live last year; super doodle vests and sweats by Brennan and Burch; ace accessories including a tooth keyring and airmail pouch from Smil in Berlin, super bright clutch bags from Babbu in Italy and adorable travel sets and gift wrapping sets from Edu Brasil. The most exciting news for y’all who cannot make it down to Superette is we’ll be carrying all these labels on our website very very soon – hip hip hooray! We also plan to stock Girl Gang, Emma Bell for Irregular Choice and more…
Stock was beginning to arrive, props were nearly finished and Sam had just about finished making and painting all the furniture so it was time to set an opening date and plan a party to celebrate! I invited everyone dear to Lady Luck’s heart (including everyone on our mailing list of course!) and we began making limited edition Sweetheart necklaces to put into freebie swag bags stuffed with lots more heart goodies and we planned a fun buffet including homemade cupcakes and cookies, fruit punch, pink bubbly, sandwiches cut into stars, hearts and daisy shapes and the crowning glory…a sausage safari!
On the day of the opening it was a pretty calm affair decorating cupcakes and finishing the hanger toys until about 2 hours to go when we still had a whole studio to clean, a whole shop full of stock to price and a buffet to prepare! But the cavalry arrived in the form of Sam’s Mum and Dad to help us clean and then my Mum and her hubby and my favourite Auntie Jeanie arrived and I was excited to show them around the place. Laura our bar tender for the evening arrived a bit before 7 and she told us there was a queue forming outside the shop, ahhhhhhhh, how exciting! We managed to open at 7 on the dot and I stood at the entrance handing out goodie bags as the crowd of Lady Luck jewellery wearing girls filed through the door. All 40 goodie bags were gone in 2 minutes flat…
Thanks to everyone who made it down to the party - all our lovely friends and family; Russell the editor of Super Super; Suzy and Ian the editors of Nude Magazine, Loretta from Let's Knit; Navaz and Bella the old fashion team from Cosmo Girl; all our interns old and new; Sapphire our Myspace Model, Lindsey and David our photographers; the Lazy Oaf crew; and YOU our amazing and god damn cute customers! You ate cupcakes, drank bubbly, ooh-ed and ahh-ed at the all new Superette and shopped til you dropped! And here it is Lady Luck's all new sparkle pop shop and studio combo Superette, hope you can drop by and visit us some time soon...
One final special thank you goes to Becky our lovely studio assistant who kept the website running smooth as clock work through the whole chaos of the refurbishment - we salute you! Sam and I are now off to Wales for a relaxing week off with the family and we'll maybe do some pony trekking. See you xxx
PS. Superette is now OPEN Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11 am to 6pm. If you need help with directions call us on 020 7033 4286.
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. looking fantabulous leona! the new stuff is gorgeous, i Must have the 'hi' t shirt with the braces. and the new labels will be coming on the website! huzzah! i've never used so many exclamations! if only i could afford a train ticket. and a day off school. alas, i cannot. anyway, i'm well impressed xxxxx

the pictures sooo dont do it justice!
i came to the opening and had such a fabby time! [2nd in the queue; ooh yeah!]
your cakes were amazing!
best decorating of cupcakes i have ever seen...ever!
all the food was amazing & i LOVE my goodie bag!
ive worn my new sweetheart necklace at every possible opportunity!
love it!
bought my fave pink lipstick lightning bolt necklace too
had a great time all round
love it all
no doubt ill be back again soon..!

It all looks amazing! Great post :-)

The new store looks sooo amazing wowow
All the display ideas are fabulous, & all the new clothes make the shop even better
I couldnt make it too the party but hopefully i'll be coming down to London next week, so i'll be SURE to come and pay you a visit, and probably buy loadss
Woww, great job

wow! the shop looks fab!! love the heart hatch!! the new clothes look very cute as well!! I really must take a look sometime.. :D xx

Pity I live in such a stupid place... the shop looks AMAZING, well done for all your hard work!
the party looked amazing, too... next time i'm in London i'm popping in for sure! x


Pffft.. devastated I couldnt be there.. it looks&&sounds like you had the best time ever. I can't wait to see all the new stuff on the site. Im going on a school trip to London in december, wish I could drop in :P

Hey lady luck & the superette girls!
I LOVE lady luck jewellery lots and lots. The first thing I bought was a pink Ursula for my friend (this went down v. well!) then I bought a skull scarf for another friend (she loves it!) . Then for my birthday i got a black pony club hair clip!
Next on my list is a yellow Ursula , a black bam bam and a rainbow rebel lucky dip pack! Looks like you had fun on your open night!
Can't wait to visit superette for the first time!
Bye Bye x
p.s i would love a tutti frutti sailor girl reunion (please bring it back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) i would love you 10x more than I already do if you did!

wow, everything looks so fabulous! i already visited your shop before the refurbishment, but i definitely have to come once more to look at the new things! it's so great that you are able to do what you love, i hope i can do that later, too.
just the best,

Looks fab! Can't wait to pop by. Wish there was cupcakes like that everyday! xx

Wow wow whee! Lady luck my my you impress me so much! I have been a loyal customer for quite a few years now and was gutted to miss the opening of superette :( I am in norway on holiday and there is no shops as cool as superette!
If I have some kroner left when I return I am going to march right down to the exchange and spend it all on lady luck...
Well done on your opening!
x x x xx x x

Heyyy just want to know if there will be any more teeny bopper rings for sale :( i sooo should have got one when i had the chance !

i be gettin my first pay cheque on fri and i is gunna be spending it all up on LADY LUCK GOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDIIIIESSS. omg i cant wait mun. but im gunna wait till u stick up the new stuff so i can buy it in one big bundle.
and omg i wish i was there at your opening. i have TONNNNSSS of necklaces and stuff from you and if i had come down there with it all on i would ave looked liked the teenaged asian girl Mr T. WOOP WOOP!
i wish you could shut down again and refurbish by next week (which is when i be going to london) so i can come to the big opening that time round :(

hey kimmy - you read our minds...we're about to launch 3 new styles of Teeny Bopper Ring very very soon!!! Leona x

WOO! I came down to London today from Nottingham and came to find Superette! It looks amazing! :). Was just wondering if all the new stuff that i saw today will be on the website soon? i couldnt afford it all today :p But really liked the knitted lollipops and sweets. Thanks :) xx

The new shop looks amazing
gutted i couldnt attend the launch party :/
no doubt i'll be visiting the new store soon enough though!

Hey Leona,
Wow you guys really did yourselves proud, the shop looked amazing (props to Sam too!)- well done ALL you guys! It was so nice to see you - what an inspiration bunch you are. I've done a wee blog post on our blog.
Lotsa love and have a happy holiday!
Navaz, www.donnaandnavaz.blogspot.com

Just 2 say I had a greeat time @ your opening...
& loved all the food etc you had there!
I was just wondering where abouts you got some of your cake decorations from..?
Such as the individually-neon-coloured hundreds & Thousands?!?
i loved them!
Great evening;
Thank You 4 it!

i must get some, no all of these...
and the uber cool rings... if anyone would like to buy me all 3 that would be great =]
LLROK is actually addictive... so this is where all my money goes?! x

ohh why do i live so far away from london?! am defo moving there when im older =( the shop looks amazing, nice work! will be buying a true romance teeny bopper ring as soon as i have the money... =D xxx

y dont i live anyware near england????

Oh. My. God! That looks AWESOME!
Shame I live miles away cause I'd love to come visit you some day and squeal at all the pretty displays! (I'm loving the whole corner, especially the ice cream one!)
Hope you enjoyed Wales, it's one awesome country Where did you go? You should go surfing down Llangennith in South Wales, it's awesome!! Sorry i'm ranting about Wales but I just love my country
Toria xx

Looks like a fabulous night! I would have -LOVED- to have been there! The shop looks amazing. Xox.

that is the only word i can think of at the moment!
as soon as i got the email saying about the opening, my heart leapt
then i realised, i can't get down to london!
I was gutted.
But i have to say your shop is my favourite place in the whole world
and i haven't even been there!
I can't wait until i will be able to come and see it.
It looks all bright, colourful, arty and sparkly.
All my favourite things.
Good effort!
lots of love,

Wow. Looks amazing! Shame I'm from up North really.. Next time I visit London, I'll be there! =] Much Love 'n' that! Love Clo XX

i would love to come to the shop but where on earth is it?
maybee an address would help?
i love ur stuf and want to buy it so plz tell me where u are!!!!!
love .............. ME xxx

went 2 yur shop on saturday tha 25th
its a windefull shop , but i got a lil scared walking dwn tha street its on,
its defently tha brights shop on tha street, but im sure its not quite so deserted on sundays as ov tha market fng dwn the street frm yur shop

CRIKEY! looks beautiful! :)

Hey Cecile!
Thanks for your comment.
Superette's addy is: 66a Sclater Street, Shoreditch, London E1 6HR. Its only about 10mins from Liverpool Street tube. Woo hoo!
See you soon...
Becky @ LLROK

Went to the shop yesterday...and I LOVED IT! Brought the Gold heart earrings, Ladybird necklace and some Birthday cards for my friends.
It's so cute (well worth a visit) and easy to get to from Algate East station too, just walk down Brick Lane and you're just about there!
All the staff are really lovely and I'm definitely going back again very, very soon!

Sooo.. how much do you think a cab fare would be from the East Village NY to you.. ? :) What a wonderful looking place hope to come by one day!

Amazing!!! I just came across this now and everything looks so colorful and funky and fun! I love it! Thanks for the wonderful opportunity. I'm glad the cake arrived safely (and in time!) from California to London! Congratulations, and wishing you all the best!

hi, where did you get those amazing shoes you wore that night? the glittery sneaker wedges? they were so cool! xxx

hey katie, I snapped them up in the Urban Outfitters sale...they sure are my fave shoes right now! Leona x

That night was so much fun, worth all the travelling
thankyou for our tour and i won the raffle!
the heart shaped sunglasses came in very good use on my holiday!
*thumbs up*

OMG!!!!! well i'm having a 16th birthday trip 2 london soon and that's just about sorted out our main destination of the day!!i'm sooooo excited!(and it's not till december...) xxx

I'm coming down to London (from Nottingham) in the next week or so.........wish me luck finding your shop!=]
x x x

Omigod I was sooo excited when I saw the email about the shop's magical makeover, it is DOWN THE ROAD from my house! I told my best mate, who was in France, also lives really close (and was seriously jealous!) and I'm counting down the days and...we leave to go camping. In the Highlands. Millions of miles away!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Please have another party soon!
Oh well, I've just ordered a craft it up bag and I'm going tomorrow. It looks brilliant! I love Miss Hoot Hoot, its so hard to decide which one to buy when I next get my allowance...
Love Annie/Nina E.

Im from scotland but Im going down to London in the second week in October to stay with a friend. Be sure that Im going to drag him out of his bed to your shop because I know there will be lots of goodies there :D If you see someone suddenly fall to their knees and starts chanting i am not worthy then thatll be me lol

i love the look of this shop and adore LLROK
where is the shop??

When I saw this shop it was love at first sight..
I don't kno what I would have done if i hadn't found LADY LUCK RULES OK (:
I just love it (:

I'm from Spain, I will go to london on October and I will try to find your shop, I've look at this pages for months and I love it.

I wish you had a shop like that near me :(

ooooo this shop is socool they sould have this shop in australia.....i live in australia

heyy =]
I'm from scotland and i lovee your online shopp !
The thingg is you dont have an actuall shopp shop in scotland :(
You should soooo open one :D
I know loads of people that would go there !!!
Idea alert !! Glasgow is the place you should open a shopp !!
You Know you want to !

hello ;D
I ♥ your new shop . Its so cool and funky ! Wish there was one like that in Singapore . Everyone would so love it cause there isn't one shop like SUPERETTE in singapore . I would be so physched . anyway, next time i go there, i would buy everything ( if i had the money ), they are so god damnit cute ?! keep up the good work you guys
Jewell-Jules ♥

where abouts in london is it?
look fabulous
Kaytee xx

this shop rocks.....wish i lived in london!!!!!....
much love xx

hey im from mexico i love ur shop
it would be awesome if u open one like in texas or something :D
ur designs are amazing, i really admire u

wow your shop looks great !!
love the heart shaped serving hatch =]
hopefullt i'll be able to come visit sometime
keep up the good work
xx x

OMG your shop looks amazing.
i really really wanna go, but i live 200 miles away :(
open a shop up north :)
hopefully im coming to london next year!

wow the shop looks FAB! WE WISH WE COULD GO THERE but we live in AUSTRALIA. theres koalas here though. maybe you should get us to open one here. yes. that is a FAB idea. peoples. gogo-a-pogo !! just send us over all the stock and we'll deal with the rest :P ;D wink wink nudge nudge. do you call ice blocks ice lollies? hehehe. the pen is blue. i have a talking napoleon dynamite pen!!!!!!!!!!! 32?!!! love KaRa and CarT (cat)

Coming to see you next week, eeeek, can't wait!

Yah!!!! I now have a shop to buy stuff for my favourite girls! Good work (Y)

Hey, I think all your stuff is amazing and I just love spooky buddies!!!
LLROK rocks!!!!!!
AbI xXxXxXx

luv luv luv luv luv luv luv....!!!!! soo cute xxxxxxxx

i live in australia, and as soon as i found your website, i was like: "MUM-WE HAVE 2
MOVE 2 ENGLAND!!" lol yr stuff looks the best !!
luv ya's, xoxo

Hey LLROK, the store looks amazing!
Please open a store in Nottingham, I'd be in there 24/7!

I'll definitely be popping down soon!!!
All the lovely stock and heart shaped window
Oooh la la

If I could I would just live there for the rest of my life!!!
